Church Outing 2014

DSCF0611DSCF0659 According to the weather forecast it was to be a wet, blustery day, but that didn’t put off the 56 “up for anything” or maybe just “simply daft” men, women and children from Westburn going on our Summer outing.

On Sunday 17th August, we boarded the bus after morning worship, with a few folk following in their cars, and headed down to Dean Castle Country Park in Kilmarnock where we were promised plenty to keep us busy.

DSCF0581DSCF0593Our trusty driver got us there safely, but only just – we all had to breathe in to get through the gate – but would we get back out again??

We had a great day, starting off with lunch at the picnic tables where the sun shone long enough for us to eat. I overheard someone say “Karen must have said a quick prayer”.

Next, while it was still dry we found a grassy spot to hold our races. Everyone joined in whether it was running, jumping or simply just eating the Haribos that were on offer.  Not pointing any fingers, but my husband was being very possessive with the white milky ones.

DSCF0584DSCF0601The showers came and went but didn’t dampen our spirits as we all slit up for a while to do our own thing.  There were play parks to play in, animals to see, a castle to explore, a shop to buy souvenirs, a deer park, and for me, the best place of all – the cafe  for coffee and home baking.

DSCF0639DSCF0651At 5pm we all gathered back at the bus.  Everyone had had a great day and by the number of “oldies” AND “young ones” caught sleeping on the way back, an exhausting one too.

That only leaves me to say thank you to everyone for coming along, and a BIG thank you to Morag for organising, and for carrying all those heavy bags about so that we could have some fun.

DSCF0607DSCF0602Oh, and we did make it back out of the car park as our driver got his own back on the irresponsible drivers!!!

Lynne Cairns


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